Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Designs

So, I haven't been a very dedicated blogger lately and for that I apologize. Some good has come of this, as I've been having lots of fun in the studio. I've been experimenting with rivets, a coldworking technique, and it's been very rewarding. I've been adding bursts of color and vintage elements to my pieces, which makes them even more fun! I've also enjoyed adding more handmade chain into my pieces, which is great, because I LOVE making chain (I know, I'm crazy).

Riveting also gets me a little in touch with my pottery roots. I always enjoyed experimenting with surface treatments and textures and I see that coming through in my new work. Others have commented about this as well, including Baltimore Magazine (more news about that to come!).


Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Second and third ones are very simply nice because they ARE nice and simple. :0)

Elisa Shere said...

Thanks! I strive to make things that are nice and simple.